Friday, 6 May 2016

Differences in Trailers US vs UK

US appears as a compelling love story where they fight to be together, fast upbeat music, includes positive reviews of the film, helicopter flying over his area shows wealth appelas to audience
UK showcases more of what the film is about which is the developmental of the robot,  music is calmer and there is no reviews, helicopter normal guy meeting someone special appeals to audience

Uk references from previous films, whole intro, whereas US does not mention it because it did  not do very well there, Uk mentioned Nicholas hoult up and coming British actor but not in us because they wont know them. No cast in US because they are all British so it dosen't mean anything yo them. US music has been altered to be more upbeat and viscous.

Star Wars has the same trailer for both UK and US audiences showing that because it is such a well known hyped up franchise that the audience are already attracted to it.